Promoting Corporate Health
In our work environment, the culture of prevention plays a fundamental role. One of the main initiatives is cardiovascular prevention, structured into two distinct programs: "Cuore al Lavoro" (Heart at Work) dedicated to employees aged 40 to 54, and "Cardiovascular Screening" aimed at the corporate population over 55. We consider young people between 21 and 39 years old as our investment capital, offering them periodic free screenings at the Poliambulanza Hospital in Brescia. This includes diagnostic blood tests and instrumental exams such as echocardiograms and complete abdominal ultrasounds, with reports sent to Beretta's occupational physician in compliance with privacy regulations concerning workers' health data. Each employee receives a copy of the clinical reports of the exams conducted.
In parallel, we are committed to raising awareness among the entire corporate population about the importance of healthy and proper nutrition. In the company cafeteria, we use informational panels, totems, and infographics that clearly and quickly illustrate the caloric and nutritional intake of each food, based on the five colors of the food pyramid. This allows each employee to choose their meal with greater awareness while maintaining the freedom to opt for what they prefer.

Career growth
The second area of the BWe project involves company training and personal development programmes, Master’s and specialization courses, covering the entire company population and all age groups. Despite the fact that Beretta owes its existence to an “ancient” product such as guns, it focuses carefully on technological and digital innovation. One initiative of excellence in this area is the Beretta Digital Olympics, established in 2017 and repeated every two years. This project was conceived to raise awareness among the company population on the profound impact of digital on all roles and all working tools.
BDigital is the company portal dedicated to the digital world, providing information on company initiatives, open positions, value analysis, digital transformation and welfare activities. Beretta also organises extracurricular courses for students and young job seekers, internships, school-to-work programmes and summer work projects. This commitment helps to make Beretta an attractive company for new generations of talent.
Health and Safety
Our main mission is the prevention of work-related stress. Since 2001, we have been running a pre-assessment project with an occupational psychologist, focusing mainly on at-risk individuals such as security guards, firing test officers and employees with previous personal problems identified by the competent doctor. The project includes a training and information campaign for managers and supervisors, aimed at the perception of stress signs and stress self-assessment.
Employees responsible for firing tests face constant musculoskeletal strain. In order to mitigate these consequences, we have set up mini-gyms dedicated to warming up and winding down. Since 2010, we have also been conducting an in-depth ergonomic analysis of all workstations in production, using EAWS and OCRA techniques, significantly reducing the risks from repetitive activities and poor posture.

Work-life balance
Numerous and varied initiatives are aimed at balancing private life with work commitments, fostering a sense of belonging to the company, and supporting philanthropic activities. Beretta has always encouraged and supported recreational associations among its employees. In this context, an efficient company CRAL (Employees' Recreational and Welfare Club) is operational, promoting various initiatives for employees and their families, such as agreements with local businesses, cultural initiatives, and tourist trips.
A concrete commitment
The BePlanet project absorbed most of the initiatives of BWe environment project . Therefore, we have only considered in this section the initiatives that, although with the end goal of protecting the environment, are linked to the behaviour of people, such as sorted waste in the offices, charging stations for electric cars or initiatives to improve liveability within our facilities. These initiatives include in particular the creation of green
spaces within the company. In 2011, we totally redeveloped our factory, with particular focus on the workplace and introducing natural green spaces in the factory to transcend the traditional idea of “dirty and noisy workshop” and become “a nice place to work”. Plants, fed by ultraviolet light, absorbs pollutants and releases oxygen: if a plant lives and thrives in the factory, it means that the climate is also suitable for people.

Join a tradition of excellence dedicated to sustainable growth
Supply chain and territory
Supporting tradition and innovating quality
We promote sustainable development by integrating people, planet and prosperity
Respect and love for the environment guide us every day