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People, prosperity, planet

Focus on people and the environment: it is scientifically, economically, and socially evident that actions in favor of the well-being of these two factors can generate equally significant benefits in the final milestone of the equation: development and prosperity. It is the "3Ps rule": People, Planet, and Prosperity. Deep synergy among the three elements leads to a number of lasting benefits, including profit. And to achieve this, a constant alignment of the entire Company's management is required, starting with regular updates on legislative aspects, such as training in the arms sector, which involves all companies in the supply chain so that they too can benefit from the best practices in terms of knowledge and expertise.

Enhancing People

Beretta places employee well-being at the forefront, offering continuous activities such as courses, meetings, and support that foster cultural changes and maintain future competitiveness. Every employee has the opportunity to thrive both professionally and culturally, reflecting a people-centered commitment.

A deep ethics

Beretta does not limit ethics and philosophy to the well-known "3Ps", but extends them throughout the entire supply chain to the points of sale, reflecting the same approach towards its employees. This commitment translates into authentic and bilateral relationships with all involved parties, based on adherence to a strict code of ethics. Since 2008, Beretta has established an internal Supervisory Body, despite the absence of any legal obligation, demonstrating a genuine commitment to corporate transparency and integrity.


Beretta looks to the future by basing its path on project planning and innovation, supported by 500 years of family history. This stability allows Beretta not to be driven by the urgency of time, but to plan for lasting prosperity. The approach focuses on the practicality and functionality of products, adapting them to a continuously evolving world. This strategy not only reinforces the company's reputation but also benefits all stakeholders involved, thanks to Beretta's strength in tranquility and long-term vision.
